Activity Analysis
Movement Analysis Assignments
The following assignments are particularly helpful in teaching Movement Analysis. Each ICE patient video is powerful for sharpening observation skills and provides the perfect platform for in-depth movement analysis. Watch the Webinars Create a Virtual Patient Experience Using the ICE Video Library and Utilizing ICE Videos Throughout the Curriculum for suggestions on using these tools.
Students will need to identify the steps and cognitive skills required to complete an activity, justify why specified cognitive skills are necessary to complete an activity, and grade the activity demands up and down for individuals with varying degrees of cognitive impairment.
For each video, analyze the movement of the client’s indicated or non-affected upper extremity; joints; movement(s); prime movers; type of contraction; approximate AROM; and any movements/muscles associated.
Related Tips for Teaching
Jan Davis, MS, OTR/L
Mary Hudson-McKinney, PT, MS, DPT, NCS
Misty Burton, MA, OTR/L
Laurie Daigle, PT, MA
Sharon Glover, OTD, OTR/L
Lisa Koch, MOT, OTR/L
Jan Davis, MS, OTR/L
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