How to Use ICE Case Studies
Acute Care Part 3: Monitoring Blood Pressure While Sitting
Case-based learning provides an ideal framework for using ICE Videos to prepare students for clinical practice and to develop inductive reasoning. The videos selected for each case study provide rich learning opportunities for authentic, engaging and relevant cases that promote learner flexibility in thinking and problem-solving.
Selection, Design, & Customization
Cases have been carefully selected to allow faculty to bridge the gap between the didactic classroom and clinical experience for their students. Each case includes PDFs formatted to allow students to complete and return to their course instructor. Also included are examples for faculty to reference when choosing learning activities to assign to students.
Faculty are encouraged to customize the learning activities, as desired, to meet the specific course learning objectives (see Examples, below).
Each ICE Case Study includes:
Patient/Client Background information
PDFs formatted for students to complete
Completed Learning Activities as examples for faculty
Examples of completed learning activities are provided to assist faculty in choosing the appropriate case and learning activity, and to demonstrate the depth and breadth of responses possible in the learning activities.
The completed learning activities provided are merely examples and should not be considered an answer key or the only correct way of completing the activities. For example, learners may write different goals, choose different evidence to support their decisions, choose different models of practice or frames of reference to guide their decisions, and may describe the types of clinical reasoning in different situations. This also allows learners to explain their decisions and further develop their inductive reasoning skills. Faculty may then provide feedback that is relevant for specific learning objectives and consistent with principles of case-based learning.
Evidence-based Teaching
The learning activities are based on sound, evidence-based instructional methods and have been used to facilitate statistically significant improvements in inductive reasoning (Murphy & Stav, 2018). Students who used these videos and learning activities valued the authenticity and repeatability of the videos, and were able to explain their clinical reasoning process more explicitly than students using other types of cases.