Build in Scaffolding
Ask the simple questions about the case first. Then, increase the number of video clips viewed, the complexity of the cases, or the difficulty of the learning activities. Build on knowledge that the learners have already gained in the classroom.
Search the ICE Video Library for video titles in the examples, below.

Related ICE Video
Video Title: Spinal Stenosis, 3 Months Post Surgery: Sit to Stand
Patient Name: Dr. T.
Patient ID: 028
Spinal Stenosis, 3 months Post Surgery: Sit to Stand
Based on your observation, what are Dr. T’s strengths or intact skills?
Based on your observation, what are Dr. T’s motor deficits?
What functional activities do you anticipate will be a problem for Dr. T?
What therapeutic techniques does the therapist use to facilitate sit to stand? Could you use the same techniques? Why or why not?

Related ICE Video
Video Title: Spinal Stenosis, 3 months Post Surgery: Ambulation 1
Patient Name: Dr. T.
Patient ID: 028
Pause video at 0:10
Note the position for sit to stand is different than preceding video. How will this influence the client’s movement and the therapeutic techniques used to facilitate sit to stand?
Re-start video
How are the therapist’s techniques different in this video? How does that influence Dr. T’s functional sit to stand?
How does Dr. T’s career as a physician / pathologist influence this intervention session? How might this influence your interactions with him if you were his therapist?
Based on your observation of his gait, what functional activities do you anticipate will be problematic?

Related ICE Video
Video Title: Spinal Stenosis, 3 months Post Surgery: ADLs During Breakfast
Patient Name: Dr. T.
Patient ID: 028
What did you see in the prior videos related to motor function that may have assisted you to anticipate the problems with feeding?
What are your safety concerns as you watch Dr. T feed himself?
Assess the adaptive equipment and the compensatory techniques utilized in this intervention session. What else could be used?
What type(s) of clinical reasoning skills does the therapist use during this video? Describe how they are used specifically.
Describe how you could utilize a model of practice and/or frame of reference if you are providing subsequent intervention sessions for Dr. T.
Plan the next intervention session for an ADL activity other than feeding.
What are your discharge plans for Dr. T? What else do you need to know? (Consider watching Jan Davis Speaks with the Family)